PHYS 272 Introductory Physics: Fields –
Fall 2006
Eun-Suk Seo
Rm 3203, CSS
Office Hours: Thurs
Ms. Anita Roychowdhury
Rm 3103-B,
Hours: Mondays and Tuesdays
TEXTBOOK: Physics for Scientists and
Engineers, Volume 2: Electricity and Magnetism, Light, Modern Physics, P.
A. Tipler and G. Mosca, published
by W. H. Freeman & Co., 5th edition, 2004, ISBN 0-7167-0810-8 with Clickers & WebAssign
LECTURE: Tuesdays
and Thursdays 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm; Fridays 12:00 pm – 12:50 pm;
Rm 1201, Physics Bldg.
DESCRIPTION: Second semester of a calculus based general physics course. Electric and magnetic fields and potentials, simple circuits,
Maxwell's equations. Continues the application of
mathematics to conceptual models, now with more abstract components.
CORE Physical Sciences Laboratory Course only when taken concurrently with
PHYS275. Also offered as PHYS272H.
Prerequisite(s): (PHYS171 or PHYS161) and MATH141. Corequisite: MATH241. Credit will be granted for only one
of the following: PHYS272 or PHYS260 and PHYS261 (Formerly: PHYS262) or
PREPARATION: Reading the textbook before each class is required.
You are responsible for all of the material in every covered chapter,
regardless of whether or not the material was specifically mentioned in class.
During the lecture we will focus on the material causing difficulties. Check WebAssign for the reading
assignment schedule, lecture notes, homework solutions and course related
announcements. You can also use the WebAssign
communication board for course related discussions. For WebAssign, your existing account should work if you already
have an account. If you forgot your
password, click “forgot password” button.
If you never had a WebAssign account before,
your directory ID is your user name, “umd” is your
institution, and your directory ID is your initial password, which you should
change once you log in. New users should
read the “student guide.” Further
help is available at
TUTORING: The Physics Department has a free tutoring
service, the Slawsky Clinic, run by a group of retired senior
physicists. It is located in Room 1214 in the Physics building. No specific
time is reserved for PHYS 272. However, you can usually get help at any time
they are open, from
20% |
10% |
Exams |
40% |
Exam |
30% |
There will be three in-class exams and one two-hour final exam. The in-class examination with the lowest
score can be dropped from the final grade calculation. The exam will include problems and
conceptual questions. There will be no make-up exam unless prior
arrangement is made with the instructor.
Tentative Exam Schedule:
Exam 1 |
September 28, |
Exam 2 |
October 26, |
Exam 3 |
November 28, 12:30 – 1:45 PM |
Exam |
December 19, |
Homework assignments will be made every week using WebAssign.
The due dates are specified on WebAssign. Start
working on the homework problems as soon as they are available. You may want to
print out your problems first and work on hard copies before you submit answers
electronically. You will get an immediate feedback from WebAssign
on whether your answer is correct or not. You are allowed to make a number of
attempts to get the right answer. Answer keys will be available on WebAssign
after the grading is completed. Solutions for the homework assignments will be
posted on WebAssign shortly after the due date by the TA. If you have any problem with the
electronic submission, submit a paper copy to the instructor by the due. There will also be “Practice” assignments
which are given to help you get familiar with WebAssign
and to make more example problems available to you. Assignments with “Practice”
tagging are not for grade but for your practice. Additional paper homework will
also be given occasionally in class.
Read “Tips for Exam and Paper Homework” below for the hardcopy
submission. Late homework is accepted only in exceptional circumstances, and
only with consent of the instructor. Your lowest homework grade can be dropped.
Makeup Homework is not allowed. If you miss a homework due to illness,
that will be the homework that is dropped.
As part of “Interactive Lectures,” multiple choice Clicker questions will be
asked in class. Most questions will give you credit for participation.
Questions with “Credit” mark will give credit for correct answers. There will
also be a 10 minute quiz occasionally at the beginning of the class on the
material covered the previous week and/or on the material to be covered that
week. Your lowest quiz grade can be dropped. Makeup quizzes are not
allowed. If you miss a quiz due to illness, that will be the quiz that is
Tips for Exam and Paper Homework
To get full credit, you must show all your work. You will not
receive credit if you do not show your work, even if you write down the
"right" answer. When answering the "questions", use
complete sentences. If the question is a true/false, a multiple choice, yes/no,
or other similar question, explain why the answer you chose is the correct one.
Your TA will deduct points if your handwriting is illegible, or if your answer
is hard to understand because of poor grammar.
The instructor reserves right to make minor changes to this syllabus to meet
the specific needs of the class during the semester.