Layer Name Coordinates of Center Material Density Thickness Direction of Tubes/Paddles Center Coordinate of Tube/Paddle K
X Y Z (g/cm3) (cm) (along axis) (X) (Y)
Neoprene above TCD 0 0 119.461 Neoprene rubber 1.23 0.159 In TCD K=0..3
Tedlar 0 0 119.378 Polyvinyl Fluoride 1.73 0.008
Foil 0 0 119.373 Aluminum 2.7 0.003
TCD Y scintillator paddles 0 0 119.119 4 plastic scintillator (120 cm long paddles with bent light guides and PMTs) 1.023 0.505 X   -45.24375+30.1625*K
Foil 0 0 118.866 Aluminum 2.7 0.003
Tedlar 0 0 118.861 Polyvinyl Fluoride 1.73 0.008
Tedlar 0 0 118.853 Polyvinyl Fluoride 1.73 0.008
Foil 0 0 118.848 Aluminum 2.7 0.003
TCD X scintillator paddles 0 0 118.592 4 plastic scintillator (120 cm long paddles with bent light guides and PMTs) 1.023 0.51 Y -45.24375+30.1625*K  
Foil 0 0 118.335 Aluminum 2.7 0.003
Tedlar 0 0 118.33 Polyvinyl Fluoride 1.73 0.008
Neoprene below TCD 0 0 118.247 Neoprene rubber 1.23 0.159
TCD Support Top Plate 0 0 118.089 Aluminum 2.7 0.157 In TRD, K=0..31
TCD Support Rods 0 0 110.619 Alumnium 0 14.783 0.375" diameter, 4 rods in box of 52.93"x52.93" (effective density 0.0004 g/cm3)
TCD Support Bottom Plate 0 0 103.149 Alumnium 2.7 0.157
Air clearance 0 0 93.206 Vacuum 0 22.573
CD upper honeycomb 0 0 81.209 Aluminum Honeycomb 0.294 1.423
Foam 0 0 79.787 Plastic foam 0.036 1.421
Cherenkov radiator 0 0 78.39 Plastic radiator read out via 4 WLS bars and 8 PTMs 1.032 1.372    
Foam 0 0 76.993 Plastic foam 0.036 1.422
CD lower honeycomb 0 0 75.571 Aluminum Honeycomb 0.294 1.423
Air clearance 0 0 74.39 Vacuum 0 0.939
CherCam top honeycomb 0 0 73.22 Aluminum/Magnesium Honeycomb (120.2 x 120.2 cm2) 19.4% volume fill 0.524 1.4
Aerogell support 0 0 71.32 Aluminum grid (110 x 110 cm2) 10.1% volume fill fraction 0.279 2.4
CherCam aerogel 0 0 69.02 Aerogel (106.3 x 106.3 cm2) 0.186 2.2    
Air clearance 0 0 62.395 Vacuum 0 11.05
CherCam PMT array 0 0 53.87 Combination of glass, potting, circuit boards, etc. (110 x 100 cm2) 0.76 6
CherCam aluminum support grid 0 0 51.82 Aluminum grid (110.6 x 110.6 cm2) 0.203 2.9
CherCam lower honeycomb 0 0 49.67 Aluminum/Magnesium Honeycomb (120.2 x 120.2 cm2) 19.4% volume fill 0.524 1.4
Note: This is a working version and information is not guaranteed to be accurate