1:30 Still there is no data connection. YS
2:46 data receaving started TG
Bias is already on for CAL,HDS and SCD
HV is at 3kV now.
(HV of HDS's MB2 is 0. It looks strange.. Opher send email to Sonny about that)
3:29 HV is ramped up to 6kV TG
3:45 Bias of CAL MB5 is going up and down….. TG
HV is still dead
4:03 HV of CAL MB04 is going up and down at aroung 4.00kV TG
It's temperature is higher than others (11.2)
4:08 HV of CAL MB04 has been recovered. TG
4:11 StandBy Mode JH
5:20 data flow disconnected TG
5:45 connected JH
5:56 data receiving started JH
6:10 disconnected  TG <<< Play-back
6:15 connected (still in standby mode) TG <<< at 2:40 on Dec 17
7:01 connection closed KC > there was no data files, no spi files. Only 600 events[0.2hz]
7:07 data receiving started KC
7:50 During rampping up HDS to 9kV MB08 is tripped JH
8:28 MB5 in CAL has no trip (hv=3kv) KC
8:56 BIOS=2.46 in MB5 (CAL) trip again(trip started about 8:30) KC
10:43 Since14:28GMT we are in the flight mode due to log file record KC
13:27 StandBy Mode KC
14:42 Data disconnected-WFF trying re-establish KC <<< play-back is done
14:54 connected-data receiving rate increased to 86kbps YS <<< at 2:14am on Dec 17.
After reconnection, spi3 and pds are coming together now..
PKT0 is staying abound 14 -17% now
15:35 Suddenly PKT0 went down to 0. (Maybe people on the ice sent command to clear buffer) YS
pds files for CAL,HDS and SCD are not coming any more
16:04 It became 'stand-by mode' by itself. YS
We should run "daq_restart.stol"
We are out of commanding window now…
  ESC said they are uploading parameters, we can't send commands now
16:20 Sonny sent "stand-by mode" YS
17:04 DATA flow stopped. No more housekeeping update. <<< Play-back is done with no data file.
ESC said it'll be back in 5-10 minutes. <<< at 4:50am on DEC 17
17:18 Housekeeping started updating Maybe, it was stand-by mode..
Connection comes back..
17:57 People on the ice uploading files…
ESC said they are goning to switch satellite. There will be a short lost connection.
18:10 data folw reconnected
18:36 ICE uploading
18:45   LOS is terminated. All commanding will be thorough UMD only. TG
18:54 ESC logined CDPS1 and made copy parameter files to their machine.
For this, we changed passwd temporarily and switch back to original
19:48 Dr.Zinn sent  some commands
19.53 Housekeeping continues to be updated, but data doesn`t flow anymore
20:06 We get data again
20:30 In case of stopping data taking and buffer clearing, follow this procedure. TG
SCI_SNIO_CONTROL 21,0          
<==This command clears the buffer!! Please be careful
Execute script daq_restart.stol
21:51   we take over cmds. TG
22:14 ERROR : master trigger : no data after 200001 attempts
going to standby mode
According to Sonny`s instruction, we send following steps
Execute script daq_restart.stol
23:15 sent SCI_SW_NOOP
Execute script daq_restart.stol
23:28 Warning : data file already open ; closing
And continue to download .pds files
23:40 waited for commaning window to open
Execute script daq_restart.stol
23:46 It went to standby mode automatically
We sent a cmd daq_restart.stol