0:20 latch-up  released (CAL 0.6 hz) SO
0:20 the connection was restart SO
0:30 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.15 hz) TK
0:39 latch-up  released (CAL 0.2 hz) TK
0:49 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.0 hz) TK
1:00 latch-up  released (CAL 0.4 hz) TK
1:03 ped run setup for every 5 minutes TG
1:13 Cal Trig Rate 75 TG
2:00 sent SCI_HK_CONTROL 10, 0 TG
2:27 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.0 hz) TK
2:29 latch-up  released (CAL 0.0 hz) TK
2:40 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.0 hz) TG
2:45 latch-up  released (CAL 0.4 hz) TK
4:26 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.0 hz) TK ** TDRSS Data windows was ended.
4:55 latch-up  released (CAL 0.2 hz) TK
5:43 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.4 hz) TK
5:46 latch-up  released (CAL 0.0 hz) TK
8:27 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.4 hz) KC
8:28 latch-up  released (CAL 0.0 hz) KC
8:32 Playback started KC
8:33 TRD latch-up KC
8:38 latch-up  released (CAL 0.4 hz) KC
8:47 2nd Playback started KC
8:59 Playback stopped KC
9:02 3rd Playback started KC
9:11 Playback stopped KC
9:12 4th Playback started KC
9:29 5th Playback started(from 20041230-051648.dat) KC
9:35 Playbakc stopped at 20041230-092426.dat KC
9:37 6th Playback started from 1230-121554c.spi3 KC
9:49 Playbakc stopped and started again from 1224-201921c.spi3 KC
9:56 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.2 hz) TK
9:59 latch-up  released (CAL 0.4 hz) TK
10:01 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.4 hz) TK
10:04 latch-up  released (CAL 0.0 hz) TK
10:11 Stopped playback KC
10:13 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.4 hz) TK
10:14 latch-up  released (CAL 0.2 hz) TK
10:31 Playback started KC
10:40 Another Playback continued  KC
10:50 Another Playback continued (1228-080154.dat) KC
11:04 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.4 hz) KC
11:05 latch-up  released KC
11:07 Another Playback continued (from 1228-082157h.spi) KC
11:24 TRD latch-up(CAL 2.8 hz) TK
11:26 latch-up  released TK
11:30 TRD latch-up(CAL 0.8 hz) TK
11:35 latch-up  released TK
11:39 TRD latch-up(CAL 4.0 hz) TK
11:40 latch-up  released TK
11:40 TRD latch-up(CAL 1.8 hz) TK
11:45 latch-up  released TK
11:45 TRD latch-up(CAL 1.8 hz) TK
11:50 latch-up  released TK
11:57 TRD latch-up(CAL 2.2 hz) TK
12:00 TDRSS data disconnected KC
12:02 latch-up  released TK
12:02 TDRSS data connected TK
12:02 TRD latch-up(CAL 2.8 hz) TK
12:05 TDRSS data disconnected TK
17:19 send SCI_HK_CONTROL 10, 2 HQ
to reduce the hsk event to 1 packet
>>> In fact, we sould send a command "SCI_HK_CONTROL 10,1"
17:41 IDRIDIUM connection for HSK data
using CDPS2: 8003:
We had connection problem because ESC used 8003 with 
The problem was ESC had "" as the default of Iridium connection. When they connect to cdps2 with 8002 port, we received reduced housekeeping information.
19:02 sent SCI_HK_CONTROL 10, 0 TG
20:30 reset DAQ due to Cal trigger rate is too high, and buffer level is also to high. TG
pds file is generated
21:14 reset DAQ, but buffer level isn't decreased. JH
Execute script daq_restart.stol
22:27 reset Science Flight Computer TG
So the trigger rate is normal and EVTQ became zero. 
22:34 TRD latch-up (CAL trig rate 1.8Hz) JH
22:41 TRD data flow resumes after opening data file JH
22:45 TRD latch-up (CAL trig rate 0.2Hz) TG
22:52 TRD data flow resumes after opening data file TG
23:40 Buffer level reached 78%. Sent arc_start.stol, and then started to decrease. TG