CREAM Flight 2010
CREAM-VI Launch Video
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CREAM launched
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I would like to thank CSBF folks on the Ice for their tireless effort for this perfect launch after 3 attempts/cancellations in 3 days. Needless to say, this successful launch could not have been possible without supports from NASA, CSBF, NSF/OPP and RPSC.
Thank you all for you strong support for CREAM!
Eun-Suk Seo
Re: CREAM-VI balloon inflation began
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Let me thank the Ice crew who have been on the Ice for a long time.
Congratulations to all!
[ICE-33] No Vortex yet in 10 days, Dec. 7th 2010
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according to the 10 day forecast.
(The center of the anti-clock-wise cyclone will not set up)
I presented the recovery plan draft to Gabe.
MH arrived in Christchurch safely.
It was clear/warm/not windy today.
[ICE-32] ULDB balloon, Dec. 6th 2010
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We have no problem accessing the payload.
(Attached please find the floor pictures)
Dr. Nam, Koo Hyun's snow school schedule was changed to Dec. 28/29.
YS is leaving Dec. 9th and Dr. Lee, MH is going to arrive in ICE at the same day.
It was warm/clear/a bit windy.
The Polar vortex will not be set up perfectly on Dec. 15 according to the 10 day forecast.
(The anti-clock-wise wind strength of the center of the cyclone will be still weak on the day.)