CREAM Flight 2005
Launch Video
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Launch Dec. 16, 5:13 AM NZT
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CREAM Flight 2005
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Return of GSE Items from Cream 2
Monday Young Soo and I went to WFF and brought back the Cream 2 "GSE" which was shipped back from McMurdo by ship and delivered by truck to WFF last Friday.
All the items were in one sea container, which appeared to be intact. Everything seemed to be physically ok when we opened the container - restraining straps were in place and nothing had shifted.
All the items have been unloaded and are being stored in our lab or in other borrowed space on the third floor. Recovered items were:
4 gray plastic containers labelled UMd
2 gray plastic containers labelled PSU
2 red boxes from UMn
2 empty gray wooden boxes from UMd, stored at WFF
1 wooden instrument crate, disassembled (demolished), stored at WFF
lots of cardboard honeycomb
CREAM Flight 2005 Archive
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ATIC launch
The balloon is being laid out for the ATIC launch. The expected launch time is 5 pm NZT.
ES | Dec 18, 2005 9:36 PM EST
CREAM launch
CREAM was launched about 5:13 AM in the morning of Dec 16 local time, NZT. The fog got cleared up magically, and it was a beautiful launch. Thank you, Ice crew & SOC. Have a couple of hrs of rest while the balloon goes up and gear up for the LOS data.
ES | Dec 15, 2005 11:39 AM EST
SOC, confirm if the "launch site streaming video"on is working.
ES | Dec 15, 2005 8:58 AM EST