CREAM Collaboration Meeting
CSS Building, Conference Room (#2115), University of Maryland

Thursday, February 4, 2016

08:30 Breakfast
09:00 Project Status 
09:30 Instrument Overview and I&T Report – Jacob Smith
10:10 Mission Operations & Report on the End-to-End Test – Oluchi Ofoha
10:50 Software Overview – HunGue Huh 
11:20 Database Management - Munhwa Kim
11:40 Beam Test
CAL stack – Ryu-Sung Peter Weinmann
Beam test results – Nico Picot-Clemente
12:20 Working Lunch (MSFC Operations Training Videos)
13:20 GSE Mockup test – Nathan Anthony
13:40 Thermal Vac Test data – Shawn Garrett Rosofsky 
14:00 SCD Performance – Jik Lee 
14:40 T/BCD Performance – Jeong-min Park 
15:10 BSD Performance – Sai Im
15:40 Break – TVac Summary – Rosemary Thorpe 
Simulations and Data Monitoring
16:00 GEANT 3 Simulation Status – Jayoung Wu 
16:20 GEANT 4 Simulation Status – Scott Nutter
17:00 Data monitoring: Event Display – Abaz Kryemadhi 
17:15 Data Monitoring: Event Display – Steve Morton
Pyramids and Volcanoes: Muon Imaging – Arturo Menchaca
17:30 SKKU SCD mapping - Jik Lee
17:50 SCD mapping in GEANT3 - Jayoung Wu 
18:10 I&T SCD mapping – Jacob Smith
18:30 Collaboration Dinner

Friday, February 5, 2016

08:30 Breakfast
Publications & Presentations
09:00 CREAM-III P & He - Youngsoo Yoon
09:30 ISS-CREAM Instrument – Jacob Smith
09:35 CAL beamtest – Jacob Smith
09:50 SCD paper – Jik Lee
Complete Day-1 agenda as needed
10:00 BACCUS Status & Plan - Kichun Kim/Peter Walpole
10:40 HPD box testing – Ryu-Sung Peter Weinmann
11:00 Beam test plan– Nico Picot-Clemente
11:15 Mechanical support for beam test – Mike Copley
11:30 Invited Talk – Vladimir Ptuskin
12:00 GALPROP - Lucy Lu
12:20 Lunch
Documents Reviews
13:30 Operation Plans - Oluchi Ofoha
14:30 Action Items & Schedule
15:00 Adjourn