CREAM Collaboration Meeting

CSS Building, University of Maryland

Phone 301-405-0838

Thursday, February 9, 2017
Room: CSS 4301

9:30 – 18:00 Splinter Meeting on Monte Carlo simulations

Friday, February 10, 2017
Room: CSS 2115

08:30 Breakfast
09:00 Project Status – Eun-Suk Seo
09:30 Instrument Overview (Final Closeout and Instrument setting etc.) – Jacob Smith
10:00 Mission Operations Overview and Plan – Oluchi Ofoha
10:30 Break
11:00 Beam Tests Summary – Nico Picot-Clemente
11:30 CDAQ Overview – HunGue Huh
12:00 Database Management - Munhwa Kim
12:30 Lunch
13:30 GEANT 3 Simulation Status - Jayoung Wu
14:00 GEANT 4 Simulation Status – Carter Kring
14:30 Report on SCD – Jik Lee
15:00 SCD heavy ion beam test
15:30 NKU analysis results – Scott Nutter
16:00 Break
16:30 Report on BSD – Jason Link & Scott Nutter
17:00 Report on T/BCD – Shinchul Kang
17:30 Packet Loss Investigation – Nathan Anthony
18:00 Trigger Investigation – Lillian Hagenau
18:30 Collaboration Dinner

Saturday, February 11, 2017
Room: CSS 2400

08:30 Breakfast
Publications & Presentations
09:00 CREAM-III P & He - Youngsoo Yoon
09:30 ISS-CREAM Instrument – Jacob Smith
09:40 CAL beamtest – Nico Picot-Clemente
09:50 SCD paper – Jik Lee
10:00 ICRC paper
10:30 Report on BACCUS - Kichun Kim
11:00 Report on TRD - Peter Walpole
11:30 BACCUS DAQ – HunGue Huh
11:40 Notes on the BACCUS Integration – Ryu-Sung Peter Weinmann
12:10 Lunch
          Invited Talk “News on Cosmic Ray Origin” – Vladimir Ptuskin
13:30 GALPROP - Lucy Lu
14:00 BACCUS TCD/CD/S3 performance - Isaac Mognet
14:30 Payload Recovery – Mike Copley/Yonas Amare
Documents Reviews
15:00 Operation Plans - Oluchi Ofoha
          Flight Rules
          Ground Operating Procedures
          Payload Regulations
15:30 Action Items & Schedule
16:00 Adjourn