ISS-CREAM Collaboration Meeting

University of Maryland, 4254 Stadium Dr., College Park, MD

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Room: ATL 4301

9:00 – 18:00  Data Analysis Workshop

Friday, August 10, 2018

Room: PSC 3150

08:30  Breakfast

09:00   Project Status – Eun-Suk Seo

09:30   Analysis Workshop Report – Scott Nutter

10:30   Break

11:00   Housekeeping Limits Update – Jason Link

11:15   Trigger Summary – Jacob Smith

11:45   EHi rate investigation - Brandyn Mark

12:15   CAL HV– Philip Shulman

12:30   Lunch

13:30   Calorimeter Flight Data Analysis – Kichun Kim

14:00   Calorimeter Beam Test Calibration – Hongguang Zhang

14:30   Calorimeter electronics: Flight Performance and Lab tests - Teresa Tatoli

15:00   SCD Performance and Status – Kwangho Choi

15:30   Break

16:00   SCD Flight Data Analysis – Ryuji Takeishi

16:30   T/BCD Performance and Status– Sinchul Kang

17:00   BSD Performance and Status – Stephane Coutu

17:30   Data Management - Munhwa Kim

18:00   GEANT 4 Simulation Status – Scott Nutter

18:20   Collaboration Dinner

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Room: PSC 2136

08:30  Breakfast

09:00   MoM Report  – James Dickey

09:30   Science Operations Overview – Austin Gerrety

            Code management Git – Austin Gerrety

10:00   CDAQ update and L0 Re-Production – Hyun-Gue Huh

10:30   Break

11:00   GEANT 3 Simulation Status - Jayoung Wu

11:30   Instrument Setting Log - Shubham Deshkar

11:45   Monitoring on board devices

            Data storage devices - Scott Holmes

            Electronics Rack and cold plates - Anthony Mahshigian

            Power Module – Pazit Rabinowitz

12:30   Lunch

13:30   Operation in SAA Discussion

            SCD, Jik Lee, Il Park

            CAL, Jacob Smith, Moohyun Lee

            T/BCD, Hongjoo Kim

            BSD, Stephane Coutu

 14:30 Publications/Presentations Status & Plan

           ISS-CREAM Instrument – Jacob Smith

           CAL Beam test – Nico Picot-Clemente

           SCD – Jik Lee

           BSD –Stephane Coutu, Isaac Mognet, Monong Yu

           Technical PMT dynode gating paper

           BSD NIM paper

           CERN analysis and ongoing lab work

15:30 Action Items & Schedule

16:00 Adjourn