Kickoff Meeting
CSS Building, Conference Room (#4301), University of Maryland

Wednesday November 30, 2011

10:00     Welcome / Opening Remarks – Chair/PI/Management – W. Vernon Jones, David Pierce
10:15     ISS-CREAM  – Eun-Suk Seo
10:35     Mission Overview – Don McMullin
11:00     Programmatic – Linda Thompson
11:30     Instrument Description – Moo Hyun Lee
12:00     Lunch  (to include tour)
13:00     System Engineering  – Pete Patterson
13:30     Mechanical Description  – Victor Eyo
13:50     Thermal Description  – Scott Cannon
14:10     Integration and Test – Don McMullin
14:30     Break
14:45     Mission Operations – Moo Hyun Lee
15:05     Product Assurance  – Linda Thompson
15:35     Mission Safety – Gordon Marsh