CSS Building, Conference Room (#2400), University of Maryland
Phone 340-514-9990
Saturday January 15, 2011
08:30   Breakfast
09:00   Project Overview – Eun-Suk Seo
  • Launch Operation and Lessons Learned – Kichun Kim
  • Balloon Trajectory – Joe Tylka
  • SOC Operation/Data monitoring – Joe Tylka
  • SCD performance –  JiHye Han
  • CAL performance – MooHyun Lee
  • CherCam Performance – Laurent Derome
12:00   Lunch
  • Lunch talk: Ionosphere - Aram Vartanyan
CREAM I - V Data Analysis
  • CREAM-II p & He Spectra – Paolo Maestro
  • CREAM-III Data Analysis: B,C,N,O fluxes and B/C ratio - Benoit Coste
  • Anisotropy study - Arturo Menchaca-Rocha/Jorge Baylon
  • GEANT4 vs. GEANT 3 and GEANT3 simulation status – Jay Wu
  • CREAM-III proton & He Spectra – Youngsoo Yoon
  • CREAM software CVS status – Youngsoo Yoon
  • All particle spectrum – Oluchi Ofoha
  • Linear Regression Analysis – Munhwa Kim
  • CREAM III-VI CAL calibration and Elemental Spectra – Jihye Han
  • CREAM-VII beam test results – Jihye Han
17:00   Presentation and Publication Discussion – Stephane Coutu
17:30   Action Items & Schedule
18:00   Collaboration Dinner

Sunday January 16, 2011
08:30   Breakfast
CREAM-VII and Beyond
  • WFF/CSBF Project Manager's Report – David Stuchlik/Bryan Stilwell
  • CREAM VII Schedule – Kichun Kim
  • CREAM VII I&T and CREAM-VIII Beam Test Plan – Moohyun Lee
  • CREAM-VII electronics - Mayank Gupta
  • SFC/ SSD Tests and Status – Azzi Haque
  • CDAQ update (SCD-L & TRD) – David Angelaszek
  • SCD-L status - Il Park
  • S3 & CD – Jason Link/John Mitchell
12:00   Lunch
  • CREAM-VII TCD status including the readout update – Tyler Anderson
  • TRD-II Status and Plan – Alexander Malinin
  • CAL HPD/HV Performance Corona Tests – Alex Page
  • CAL HPD/HV repair plan - Moohyun Lee
  • B4C vs. C target – David Zukerman
16:00   Action Items & Schedule
17:00   Ping Pong etc./ Campus Recreation Center
18:00   Adjourn

* Presentation files are on elms.umd.edu