IPST Building, Conference Room (#1116), University of Maryland
Phone 301-518-8525

Thursday January 14, 2010

08:30     Breakfast

09:00     Project Overview – Eun-Suk Seo

CREAM V Flight

Launch Operation and Lessons Learned – MooHyun Lee

SFC/CDAQ I&T/flight Lessons Learned – Sang-Eun Lee

SOC Operation – JiHye Han

SOC data monitoring – Kichun Kim

TCD/CD/S3 Performance – Tyler Anderson

CherCam Performance – Benoit Coste

SCD performance –  JiHye Han

CAL performance – MooHyun Lee

12:30     Lunch

13:00     Recent Results from TIGER - Jay Cummings

CREAM I - IV Data Analysis

Relative Abundance – Il Park

14:00     CREAM-II proton and He Spectra & CREAM-II CVS – Paolo Maestro

CREAM I – IV TCD Data Analysis – Tyler Anderson

Integration of CherCam in the CREAM Geant4 simulation - Benoit Coste

CREAM III-IV CherCam Data Anlaysis – Laurent Derome

Integration of CherCam in the CREAM Software - Laurent Derome

MC simulations – Jay Wu

CREAM III-IV CAL calibration – Jeremy Eaton

CREAM-III proton & He Spectra – JiHye Han

CREAM-I proton & He Spectra – Youngsoo Yoon

CREAM-I Elemental Spectra – Hoseok Ahn

CREAM software CVS status – Hoseok Ahn

CREAM I & II all particle spectrum – Oluchi Ofoha

Linear Regression Analysis – Munhwa Kim

Broken Power Law Fit - Munhwa Kim

17:30     Action Items & Schedule

18:00     Collaboration Dinner

Friday January 15, 2010

08:30     Breakfast

CREAM-VI and Beyond

09:00     ULDB Status & Plan – David Pierce

WFF Project Manager's Report – David Stuchlik

CREAM VI I&T and CREAM-VII Beam Test Plan – Kichun Kim/Moohyun Lee

Balloon Trajectory – Joe Tylka

The next generation SCD - Il Park

SFC and SSD Tests and Status - Azharul Harque

12:00     Lunch

TRD-II Status and Plan – Alexander Malinin

CDAQ TRD Interface – Sang-Eun Lee

CREAM-VI Electronics/Power – Larry Lutz

CALHPD/HV- Moohyun Lee

Production and performances of the HV units – Ludovic Eraud

CREAM-VI S3 & CD – Jason Link

CREAM-VI TCD – Tyler Anderson

15:00    Presentation and Publication Discussion – Stephane Coutu

Action Items & Schedule

16:00     Ping Pong etc./ Campus Recreation Center

18:00     Adjourn

* Presentation files are on elms.umd.edu