CREAM Collaboration Meeting

CSS Building, Conference Room (#4301), University of Maryland

Phone 301-405-3431

Thursday January 10, 2008

08:30 Breakfast

09:00 Project Status - Eun-Suk Seo

CREAM-III Flight: Instrument Performance

Launch Report - Opher Ganel

Flight Operations/Lessons Learned -  Youngsoo Yoon

SFC/CDAQ I&T/Lessons Learned - Prashant Bhoyar

SOC Operation - JiHye Han

CAL performance - MooHyun Lee

SCD performance - Nahee Park

CherCam Performance - Michel Bunerd

11:00 TCD/ S3/CD failure -  Isaac Mognet

12:00 Lunch

CREAM-III launch video

CREAM-I & II Data Analysis

CREAM-II SCD relative abundances - Nahee Park

CREAM-I data analysis - Youngsoo Yoon

Status on CREAM-II data analysis - Paolo Maestro

CREAM software CVS status - Hoseok Ahn

16:00 CREAM-I Secondary to Primary Update - Simon Swordy/Scott Wakely

CREAM-I TCD analysis update - Nick Conklin

CREAM-II TCD analysis update - Isaac Mognet

Presentation and Publication Plan Discussion - Simon Swordy

17:30 Action Items & Schedule

- Next meeting & Telecons

18:00 Collaboration Dinner

Friday January 11, 2008


08:30 Breakfast

09:00 Lessons Learned Summary - Opher Ganel

Integration Status & Plan - MooHyun Lee

CREAM-IV CAL Beam Test - MooHyun Lee

Electronics/Power - Larry Lutz

CDM vs. SIP - Larry Lutz

Mechanical Status & Plan - Opher Ganel

CREAM-IV HPD refurbishment status/plan - Opher Ganel

Status of the HV Module Development - Ludovic Eraud

CREAM-IV CDAQ Plan - Prashant Bhoyar

12:00pm Lunch

14:00 TRD - Alexander Malinin

CREAM-IV S3 & CD - Louis Barbier

CREAM-IV TCD - Stephane Coutu

Recovery Plan - Opher Ganel

15:30 Action Items & Schedule

16:00 Ping Pong etc./ Campus Recreation Center

18:00 Adjourn

* Presentation files are on