CREAM Collaboration Meeting

CSS Building, Conference Room (#4301), University of Maryland

Phone 301-405-3431

Friday June 9, 2006

TRD Preliminary Design Review

09:00 Design Overview and Expected Detector Performance

10:00 System Overview – Weight & Power Summary

10:30 Electrical Design

11:30 Mechanical Design

12:00 lunch

12:30 Schedule and Cost

14:00 Review Summary

Monday June 12, 2006

Data analysis status and publication plan

08:30 Breakfast

09:00 Project Status – Eun-Suk Seo

09:20 CREAM-I configuration – Opher Ganel

CREAM GEANT4 Simulations – Scott Nutter

CREAM software CVS – Hoseok Ahn

10:00 TRD/TCD – Simon Swordy

HiZ Analysis Update – Simon Swordy/ Scott Wakely

TCD non-linearity – Nick Conklin

TCD TDC data analysis – Taylor Childers/Terri Brandt

TCD GEANT4 Simulations – Isaac Mognet

12:00 Lunch

12:20 Invited lunch talk

Interstellar Spectra & solar modulation- Harm Moraal

January 20 solar flare - Ken McCracken

13:00 CAL/SCD – MooHyun Lee

SCD Analysis Update – Nahee Park

CAL Analysis status – MooHyun Lee

CREAM-I update - Youngsoo Yoon/Hoseok Ahn

CREAM-II update - Pier Simone Marrocchesi

15:00 Action Items & Schedule

- Next meeting & Telecons

15:30 TRD Concept Review - Alexander Malinin

16:30 Recovery Tools etc. – Opher Ganel

17:00 Presentation and Publication Plans

Publication Committee – Simon Swordy

18:00 Collaboration Dinner – celebrating NASA group achievement award

Tuesday June 13, 2006: Flight 3 & Beyond

08:30 Breakfast

09:00 Flight 3 Preparation Status

Overview - Peter Walpole

CAL optics - Peter Walpole

CAL HV – Opher Ganel

Electronics/Power – Larry Lutz

USB update - Sonny Zinn

SFC – Mike Duvernois

Weight/Mechanical/Thermal – Opher Ganel

11:00 CherCam – Michel Buénerd

Detector & System Overview – Laurent Derome

Mechanical & Thermal - Jean-Noel Périé

Electronics & DAQ – Olivier Bourrion

Software - JoonHyuk Yoo

12:00 Lunch

13:00 CherCam continued

14:00 SCD – Nahee Park

TCD/S3/CD – Stephane Coutu

CD/S3 – Louis Barbier

15:00 Beam Test Discussion

16:00 Flight 4 Discussion

TRD delivery plan - Alexander Malinin

CAL refurbishment - Pier Simone Marrocchesi

17:00 Adjourn

Wednesday June 15, 2006


09:00 CherCam – Michel Buénerd

Detector & System Overview – Laurent Derome

Mechanical &Thermal - Jean-Noel Périé

Electronics & DAQ – Olivier Bourrion

Software - JoonHyuk Yoo

* Presentation files are on