CREAM Collaboration Meeting

CSS Building, Conference Room (#4301), University of Maryland

Phone 301-405-3431

January 18, 2006: CREAM-I data analysis status and publication plan; CREAM-II flight data

08:30 Breakfast

09:00 Project Status – Eun-Suk Seo

09:20 CREAM-I Flight Data: Detector Calibrations and Data Analysis

  1. TRD Tracking – Scott Wakely
  2. TCD linearity – Simon Swordy
  3. Low Z measurement in CREAM I and II using TCD – Isaac Mognet
    CREAM I Data Analysis (TCD) - Nick Conklin
  4. Preliminary CREAM I Analysis (TCD)– Terri Brandt
  5. CREAM I H & He Analysis (TCD) – Jim Beatty
  6. CREAM I SCD Status – Nahee Park
  7. Status of CREAM-1 Calorimeter Calibration – MooHyun Lee
  8. Status on CREAM-1 data analysis in Siena - Paolo Maestro
  9. Report From tha Jan. 20th Solar flare Session of the AGU Meeting – Ramin Sina
  10. CREAM Data Processing System (CDPS) – Hoseok Ahn

12:00 Catered Lunch

CREAM-II launch video

12:30 Origin of Cosmic Rays – Vladimir Ptuskin

13:30 CREAM-II Flight: Instrument Performance

  1. Integration and tests on the ice – Sonny Zinn
  2. SOC Operation – Peter Walpole
  3. Housekeeping and Data Monitoring – Youngsoo Yoon
  4. TCD & S3 performance – Isaac, Nick
  5. CD performance – Louis Barbier
  6. CREAM 2 SCD status – Nahee Park
  7. CAL performance – Youngsoo Yoon/Hoseok Ahn
  8. Calorimeter performance during the second flight – Pier Simone Marrocchesi

16:30 Simulations

  1. Geant 4 vs. Geant3

17:00 Presentation and Publication Plans

  1. Publication Committee – Simon Swordy

- Upcoming conferences, meetings, papers

- Graduate students thesis topics

17:30 Action Items & Schedule

- Next meeting

- Telecons

18:00 Collaboration Dinner
January 19, 2006:
CREAM-I Refurbishment and the next flight preparation; Beyond the 3rd flight

08:30 Breakfast

09:00 CherCam – Buénerd

09:30 A proposed detector option – Oleg Feclin

10:00 CREAM-I Refurbishment

  1. Status of Implementing Lessons Learned – Larry Lutz
  2. Common electronics (MT, command, power) – Larry Lutz
  3. Flight Software – Sonny Zinn
  4. Mechanical – Opher Ganel, Chanho Kim
  5. CAL & HV – Opher Ganel
  6. SFC – Mike Duvernois
  7. SCD – Nahee Park/Shinwoo Nam (SCD Heights)
  8. CD – Louis Barbier
  9. TCD & S3 – Stephane Coutu
  10. System Summary & Overall Schedule – Peter Walpole ( ppt, BT Schedule, Flight Schedule)

12:00 Catered Lunch

13:00 Flight III Configuration

  1. Weight – Opher Ganel
  2. Power – Larry Lutz

14:00 Beam Tests Related Issues

- Configurations for July & September

- Mechanical Interface

- Data Interface

14:40 Flight DAQ Test Plan

15:00 Environmental Issues (TV test requirements) – Louis Barbier

15:30 Beyond the 3rd Flight (Upgrades/Changes/New Ideas)

  1. Electronics – Larry Lutz
  2. SFC – Mike Duvernois
  3. CAL & HV – Opher Ganel
  4. TCD & S3 – Stephane Coutu
  5. CD – Louis Barbier
  6. SCD – Nahee Park/Shinwoo Nam

16:30 Action Items & Schedule

17:00 Adjourn

* Presentation files are on