CREAM Collaboration Meeting

CSS Building, Conference Room (#4301), University of Maryland

Phone 301-405-3431

June 13, 2005: Discuss data analysis status and publication plan

08:30 Breakfast

09:00 Project Status – Eun-Suk Seo

09:20 CREAM-I Flight Data Analysis Update

  1. HiZ analysis – Simon Swordy
  2. TCD analysis - Stephane Coutu & Isaac Mognet
  3. SCD analysis – Shinwoo Nam
  4. S2 etc. analysis – Paolo Maestro
  5. Cal analysis & HSK data – MooHyun Lee & Youngsoo Yoon
  6. CREAM Data Processing System (CDPS) – Hoseok Ahn

11:30 Data Analysis Discussion Summary – Action Items & Schedule

12:00 Catered Lunch

13:00 ICRC papers – rehearsal (2-3 hrs)

  1. Electron Identification in the CREAM Experiment, H. S. Ahn, OG1.1 oral
  2. Measurements of secondary nuclei at high energy with CREAM, S. Wakely, OG1.3 oral
  3. Flight Operations for the First CREAM Balloon Mission, Y. S. Yoon, OG1.5 oral
  4. Performance of the transition radiation detector and the timing charge detector in the first flight of the CREAM instrument. S. Coutu, OG1.5 oral
  5. Performance of the CREAM calorimeter module during its first flight of 42 days, M. H. Lee, OG 1.5 oral
  6. Preliminary Result of Elemental Charge Composition of High Energy Cosmic Rays from the CREAM Silicon Charge Detector, I. H. Park, OG 1.5 oral
  7. CREAM Flight Data Processing, H. S. Ahn, OG 1.5 poster
  8. The data acquisition software system of the 2004/2005 CREAM Experiment, S. Y. Zinn, OG1.5 poster
  9. Design and Tests of the Scintillating Fiber Hodoscopes in the CREAM Instrument, Y. S. Yoon, OG 1.5 poster
  10. Reconstruction of showers in the calorimeter during the first CREAM flight, P. S. Marrocchesi, HE 1.5 oral
  11. The Record Breaking 42-day Balloon Flight of CREAM, E. S. Seo, OG1.1 oral

16:00 Presentation and Publication Plans

  1. Publication Committee, S. Swordy
  2. Publication Policy, O. Ganel
  3. Other papers & meetings

17:00 Flight-III preparation status & proposed updates (~1 hr)

  1. TCD – Stephane Coutu
  2. TRD – Simon Swordy
  3. CTC – Louis Barbier
  4. SCD – Shinwoo Nam
  5. S2 etc. - Pier Simone Marrocchesi
  6. CAL & the rest – Opher Ganel

18:00 Collaboration Dinner
June 14, 2005:
Discuss CREAM-II flight readiness

8:30 Breakfast

9:00 CREAM-II Instrument Status

  1. Overall Schedule – Peter Walpole
  2. WFF Support Status (mechanical/thermal/power) – Peter Walpole
  3. Lessons Learned Implementation Status – Larry Lutz
  4. MT, command, power – Larry Lutz
  5. Mechanical – Opher Ganel, Chanho Kim
  6. Flight Software – Sonny Zinn
  7. SFC – Mike Duvernois
  8. TCD & S3 – Stephane Coutu
  9. CTC – Louis Barbier

12:00 Catered Lunch

13:00 CREAM-II Instrument Status - continued

  1. SCD – Shinwoo Nam
  2. Chercam - Michel Buenerd
  3. CAL – MooHyun Lee/Opher Ganel

14:00 Action Items & Schedule

15:00 ICRC papers – rehearsal (~2 hr)

  1. A Cherenkov counter for the charge measurement in the CREAM II Instrument, M. Buenerd, OG1.5 poster
  2. The Silicon Charge Detector for the CREAM experiment in Antarctica, J. Yang, OG1.5 poster
  3. Energy calibration of the imaging calorimeter for the second balloon flight of CREAM, P. S. Marrocchesi, OG 1.5 poster
  4. Design and tests of the CREAM calorimeter M. H. Lee, OG1.5 poster
  5. Electronics for the CREAM calorimeter and hodoscopes,
  6. Performance of the CREAM calorimeter in accelerator beam tests, Y. S. Yoon, HE1.5 poster

17:00 Adjourn

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