CREAM Collaboration Meeting

CSS Building, Conference Room (#4301), University of Maryland

Phone 301-405-3431

January 19, 2005

08:30 Coffee & Donuts

09:00 CREAM Status & Plan – Eun-Suk Seo

09:20 Instrument Overview – Larry Lutz

09:40 Flight Software and Operation Overview – Sonny Zinn

10:00 CREAM Flight Data Processing – Hoseok Ahn

10:10 Flight Computer

Lessons Learned and Plan for CREAM-II – M. Duvernois

10:20 SCD Flight Data Analysis Status & Plan – Il Park

10:40 SCD-II Status & Delivery Plan – Shinwoo Nam

11:00 TRD Flight Data Analysis Status & Plan – Simon Swordy

11:20 TCD Flight Data Analysis Status & Plan – Stephane Coutu

TCD-II Status & Delivery Plan – Scott Nutter

11:40 CAL & general Flight Data – Youngsoo Yoon

CAL Analysis Plan – MooHyun Lee

12:00 CAL-II Calibration – Pier Simone Marrocchesi

12:20 CAL-II Mechanics FEA – Andrea Basti

12:30 Lunch (Pizza will be delivered)

13:30 CherCam Status – Michel Buénerd

Aerogel – Arturo Menchaca-Rocha

14:00 CREAM-II Integration – MooHyun Lee

14:30 CREAM-II Trigger Discussion

  • Master Trigger – Larry Lutz
  • CAL Trigger – MooHyun Lee
  • TCD Trigger – Jim Beatty
  • CherCam Trigger Requirements, Types, Rates, Data Volume – Michel Buénerd

15:00 CREAM-II Mechanical Interface

  • CherCam to ISS
  • TCD to CherCam
  • SCD

15:30 Thermal Discussion: Lessons Learned & Risk Mitigation Plan

16:00 Power & Weight Review – Larry Lutz

16:30 Lessons Learned Summary – Larry Lutz

17:30 CREAM-II Schedule – Sonny Zinn

18:00 Action Items – Sonny Zinn

18:30 Celebration of the record breaking flight

* Presentation files are on