CREAM Mission Preliminary Design Review/SRT Review

University of Maryland, IPST building, IPST Conference Room (#1116)
April 11-12, 2002
Day 1


8:30 Team Introductions - Bill Gibson

8:45 Review Board Purpose/Scope - Bill Gibson

8:55 Science Overview - Eun-Suk Seo

9:25 Mission Overview Will Mast

9:55 Mission Management – Organization, Schedule - Ron Black

10:25 Break

Instrument Description

10:35 Instrument Overview - Larry Lutz

10:45 Flight/Ground Science Computers and Software - Mike DuVernois

Timing Charge Detector (TCD)

11:05 Principles of Operation, Readout & Assembly - Jim Beatty

Transition Radiation Detector (TRD)

11:35 TRD concept, design, test results - Simon Swordy

11:55  TRD/TCD Mechanical Interface - Richard Northrop

12:05 Lunch

Instrument Description (Con’t)


1:05 Detector Concept and Design - Opher Ganel

1:25    Readout Electronics - Larry Lutz

1:35 Test Results, Development Status and Plans - MooHyun Lee

1:50 Detector Simulations and Data Processing - Hoseok Ahn

2:10 CREAM Trigger, Data Rate, Calibration, Data Analysis - Opher Ganel

Publication plan

2:35 Instrument I&T - Larry Lutz

2:45 Balloon Vehicle Description - Henry Cathey

3:15 Break

Support Systems Description

3:30 Support Systems Overview - Linda Thompson

3:45 Mechanical - Mark Cording

4:15 Thermal - Scott Cannon

5:00 Power - Arturo Vigil

5:30 Adjourn

Day 2

Support Systems Description (Con’t)

8:30 Command & Data Handling - Carl Davis

8:45 Flight Software/Science Interface - Rodney Davis

9:25 Telecommunications - Brian Corbin

9:45 Attitude Control - Brett Vincent

10:05 Flight Train Systems - Bill Stepp

10:25 Break

10:40 Ballooncraft I&T - Kirk Rhee

11:25 Launch and Flight Operations - Bill Stepp

11:55 Control Center Description - Ted Daisey

12:15 Lunch

1:15 Systems Engineering Process - Will Mast

1:45 Review Process Description - Will Mast

2:15 Performance Assurance Process - Ron Black

2:45 Action Item Review - Bill Gibson

3:15 Executive Session - Bill Gibson

4:15 Adjourn