BACCUS was rolled out to outside deck
to utilize Pcm/TRDSS connections with SOC
while they were available.

1)Data download rate was raised up to 74 kbps. However,
when we raised the rate more, pkt0 filled up to 100%.
It seems that CDAQ provides maximum 75kbps.

2)Cal Ped/Charge run showed noisy when
the temp went down below 5C.
It returned normal at above 6C.
According to the previous cream flights,
the cal temp kept between 10C and 25C.
So we don't have to much worry about temp issue.

3) TCD/CD data were confirmed by Isaac.
SCD were confirmed by Jacob.
TRD data will be confirmed by Nico soon.
Cal data showed OK above 6C.
All data/command connections through SIP were
confirmed at Hang test, yesterday.
So we are flight ready now.

It looks we can have a chance to launch sometime
next week probably before Dec. 1 or around.

Thank you all.
Ki Chun