We did the following things today:

1) Attended Chalet orientation in the morning at 7:30.
They introduced responsible personnel on each part
including mechanical, IT, Transportation and so on.

 2) KC received a network access from Crary lab.

3) All went to Willy Field after that with D. Sullivan/S. Battaion.
We attended LDB security briefing presented by D. Sullivan.
BACCUS payload container was sitting inside the Weather Port tent.
CSBF opened it and put the payload in the middle of tent.
We set up the connections of the payload and checked
the status: All powers were on normally 
We did not have time to check TRD HV.
D. Sullivan/S. Battaion said that TRD gas bottle transportation
will be delivered by the next Friday.
S. Battaion said he could provide ArCo2(75/25) gas bottle
by this Saturday temporary.
So we will check TRD muon run with that ArCo2 gas until then.
Yonas got the recovery training in the afternoon.

We will attend another security orientation tomorrow morning
and go to Willy field in the afternoon and do LPT.
CSBF will install the payload legs.

Weather port tent looked fine to work: there were two major
portable heaters which make the tent warm enough to work.
It is wide enough to turn the payload.
Two UPS power srips are provided in each side (total 4 stips).