Photo acknowledgment should be given to University of Maryland Cosmic Ray Physics Laboratory.

20081114a_Fritz with a foam wall.JPG
20081114a_Fritz with a foam wall.JPG
20081114b_Prashant and Antje taking data.JPG
20081114b_Prashant and Antje taking data.JPG
20081114c_Prashant and Tyler looking at data.JPG
20081114c_Prashant and Tyler looking at data.JPG
20081114d_SangEun and Fritz.JPG
20081114d_SangEun and Fritz.JPG
Arrival at McMurdo.JPG
Arrival at McMurdo.JPG
At Delta Bus.JPG
At Delta Bus.JPG
BOSS woke up and running.JPG
BOSS woke up and running.JPG
CREAM with UMD banner.JPG
CREAM with UMD banner.JPG
Crews waiting for flight to the ICE.JPG
Crews waiting for flight to the ICE.JPG
Crews waiting for the Bus.JPG
Crews waiting for the Bus.JPG
Hang test 1.JPG
Hang test 1.JPG
In front of the BOSS.JPG
In front of the BOSS.JPG
Inside C-17 flight.JPG
Inside C-17 flight.JPG
Inside galley for lunch.JPG
Inside galley for lunch.JPG
LDB town view.JPG
LDB town view.JPG
Old integration building under snow.JPG
Old integration building under snow.JPG
Pay Load Building 1 and other support buildings.JPG
Pay Load Building 1 and other support buildings.JPG
Payload Buildings.JPG
Payload Buildings.JPG
Payload before hang test.jpg
Payload before hang test.jpg
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