CREAM-IV calibration, CERN 9/13/2007-9/25/2007
CREAM-III calibration,CERN 10/2/2006-10/10/2006
CREAM-II calibration, CERN 9/22/2004-9/29/2004

Heavy Ion Beam Test, CERN, October 2003
2003 Heavy ion beam test schedule
Calibration at CERN, July & September 2003:
Real Time Monitoring of the Beam Test 2003

Parasitic Run at H8 (2002):
Preparation Guide 2002

Protoflight Test at CERN (2001)




-6o days

Reserve CERN hostel rooms

-30 days ~ -14 days

Make plans for a trip to Geneva;
Get shipper’s quotes

-10 days

Shipper to pick up the crates

-5 days

Crew departure; Crates arrival at CERN

-4 days

Crew to user’s office for registration, radiation badges; unpack crates, mount the instrument on the rotation fixture, test etc.


-1 day

Reserve the crane; make a shift schedule

0 day

Stage in to the beam area

Set up the beam, trigger, tracker, and the instrument

Beam Time

Take the data; repair as needed;

Reserve the crane for last day; Arrange the shipper to pick up crates

End beam time

Crane out

+ 5 hrs

Packed & Move crates from CERNII to CERN I; Shipper to pick up the crates

+ 1 (or 2) day

Crew Return

Pictures of Surroundings